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A season of memories


The season of celebrations is almost past with Christmas so near. Hanukah has already ended, all the candles were lit. For some this has been a time of reflection, prayer and gratefulness. For others a time of exchanging gifts with old friends or new and listening to seasonal music we save just for this season. Others of us wrap last minute gifts for a wonderful new grandchild who will celebrate the holidays for the first time, just beginning their lifetime of memories. Some of us are also a little melancholy because we have lost loved ones this past year that will no longer be joining us in our celebrations.

Whatever your circumstances, may they be special, bountiful and memorable. In Feng Shui positive energy memories are very valuable and thought of as being part of your prosperity treasures. It is the fond family and friends memories that serve as a lighthouse guiding us through more difficult times of life. They nourish and feed our soul when nothing else will work. It is the knowing that you have indeed shared many hours of joy with others through the years that will sustain you when you are lonely, ill or grieving. Memories are very powerful medicine and need to be respected accordingly.

To preserve these most valuable of memories create a “Treasures box” and display it proudly in the southwest area of your living room or family room. You can even make a second smaller one and place it in the same area of your bedroom. Pay special attention to the box you choose. It can be a simple box that you cover in pretty gift wrapping paper. It can be a beautiful hand painted one you purchase. Or it can even be a wonderful antique box or covered sewing basket that was handed down from your Mother, Grandmother or Grandfather. Place your years of memories into this box.

Start with memories from this year’s holiday season. If you took pictures or were given greeting cards, place the one or ones that mean the very most to you into your “Treasure Box”. Perhaps a grandchild gave you a drawing of their hand from their first pre-school class. If you treasure the drawing, place it into the box. Do not confuse this box with a photo album. These are treasures to behold, not just years of pictures. Did someone give you a pretty pin that you will never wear but you treasure the very thought that went into the gift, place it into the box. Did someone help you while you were stranded along the roadside, fixed your tire and wouldn’t take a dime for helping. Write little note about their kindness and place it into your box.

Now, take a little trip backwards in time and try remembering really meaningful events and occasions throughout your life. If you have pictures of those events place them into your box. If you still have a lock of hair from your daughter’s first haircut and holds great meaning for you, place it into the box. Perhaps you still have the decoration that adorned the top of your wedding cake or the garter you wore. If they hold special meaning, place them into the box. As you time travel backwards you will remember many things that you have no documentation for or pictures of. Jot those things down on a piece of paper with the approximate date and place them into the box.

Be sure to place only good positive energy memories into your box. As a society we focus too much on the negative and not the positive. All you have to do is turn on the 6:00 evening news to find out what is wrong here or anywhere else in the world. Positive news is never featured. Remember to place reminders of loved pets, both present and past into this box as well. Pets give unconditional love and often are fondly remembered as part of the family.

The holidays usually provide us a bounty of good memories so it is important that you harvest those special memories quickly and store them in your “Treasures Box”. You will be surprise at how often you look at that box and smile. Be sure to use the box as an uplifting energy resource when in need. You will be amazed at the energy boost you will receive from all of those memories you’ve so carefully honored and now treasure.

Download “A season of memories” in PDF Format.


© Pat Heydlauff, All Rights Reserved

Pat Heydlauff, president of Energy Design, uses Feng Shui design principles to eliminate chaos and stress at home and within oneself. More than a Feng Shui expert, Pat is a consultant and speaker who helps remove clutter and negativity while encouraging personal growth, improved relationships and prosperity. Her new book, “Feng Shui: So Easy a Child Can Do It,” shows how to achieve a better tomorrow. For information on her consulting, speaking and artwork,  call: 561-408-2708.


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