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Can you begin on the second Tuesday of next week


Having successfully made it through another year, are there specific projects you keep sweeping under the rug? Have you become an expert at procrastination knowing full well that you really need to deal with those tasks? Do you keep making lists but somehow there are always one or two things that you continually move to the next list thinking “someday I’ll do it”?

We all have these types of projects we face occasionally in our lives. Somehow we just really do not want to face the challenge or do not have the energy to see our way through to the end of the project. For many of us this list can include a thorough uncluttering of our closets, kitchen cupboards, office, attic or garage. For some it can mean sorting through thousands and thousands of pictures we know we really need to part with. For others it may mean downsizing and getting rid of “stuff” we’ve collected for years and years. Whatever may be on your incessant list isn’t as important as the fact that it continually drains your personal energy because it is a constant reminder of “things unfinished”.

One of the best ways to re-energize yourself and your surroundings is to finish uncompleted projects. It doesn’t matter if it is a woodworking project like a doll house you started for your daughter when she was 10 and is now 22 or a needlepoint baby gift you began when your great niece was born 14 years ago. What matters is that you complete it. It will still be a welcomed gift and a cherished treasure by the recipient, even 14 years later. You will be so very pleased with yourself and relieved that the project is off your list once and for all. This is a very uplifting experience and will energize you enough to begin yet another project you’ve been avoiding.

The simplest way to begin a project you’ve procrastinated doing for months, maybe years is to break it up into smaller pieces. This will allow you to see progress and become more focused on finally getting it off your perpetual list of “things to do”. For example, if your project is to organize and/or eliminate some or many of those thousands of pictures taken on vacations over the last 25 years, begin by deciding how you would like to sort them. You will want to keep some, give some to your children, pass some along to various friends, maybe even give some particularly beautiful ones to an artist and finally toss the rest. Create a box for each category. Your job will become instantly easier because anything you toss will be removed from your stacks of pictures immediately. Keep your toss box however because you will re-evaluate all of the pictures you wish to keep for yourself one more time to be sure you really want them. Now that you are organized you will be able to complete a little of your overwhelming project on a daily or weekly basis. And, before you know it, your daunting task will be complete.

Follow this procedure for any large task that you’ve been avoiding. This method is just one of many used to unclutter your surroundings and help you bring fresh invigorating energy into your life. Sometimes it actually takes longer to organize the project than to complete it. You will be amazed at what relief and pleasure it will bring you to finally cross it off your revolving list of “things to do”.


© Pat Heydlauff, All Rights Reserved

Pat Heydlauff, president of Energy Design, uses Feng Shui design principles to eliminate chaos and stress at home and within oneself. More than a Feng Shui expert, Pat is a consultant and speaker who helps remove clutter and negativity while encouraging personal growth, improved relationships and prosperity. Her new book, “Feng Shui: So Easy a Child Can Do It,” shows how to achieve a better tomorrow. For information on her consulting, speaking and artwork,  call: 561-408-2708.


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