Is there a way to begin without totally uprooting your world and your life? Can you begin slowly to renew your surroundings and your thinking? Are there specific things you can do to provide “you” an uplifting boost? Must it be expensive to begin anew in order to really make a difference in your life? Just where do you look to for such uplifting boosts?
The thoughts of beginning over again can be very upsetting if it is the result of our recent hurricane damage, or the break up of a long marriage. Beginning over again can also be very uplifting and rewarding since you are sweeping out the old, whatever that may be, and bringing in the new. New energy, whether in the form of repairing or remodeling your home, your relationships or your working habits, is always positive therefore better. Anytime you clean up, throw out, paint, re-upholster, repair or replace something old with new is positive; but it is especially good energy for you if you really love what you are replacing the old with. Anytime you really love something it provides you lots of positive energy whether buying a new home, an article of clothing or your favorite piece of chocolate. We as humans tend to do a lot of impulse buying which does not necessary provide us lots of positive energy. What is does provide us is “stuff”. Use discretion when purchasing anything; if you really love it, purchase it and if not, don’t buy it. None of us need more clutter and “stuff” in our homes and offices.
Life for many of us is lived in a very routine manner and becomes very habit forming. The more habitually and consistently you live your life the less new positive energy enters your world. In other words, it takes doing something different, new or unusual in your daily routine to give you that wonderful spark of new energy. If you are still in the throws of mountains of repair work from Frances and Jeanne take an energy break and treat yourself to an ice cream cone like when you were a kid. It will bring back high energy fond memories and uplift your spirits. If you are still recovering from a bad experience during your childhood and do not know which direction to turn, take a break by going for a long walk on the beach. It will help clear your thinking, force you to breathe much needed fresh air and give you a warm ray of sunshine that will somehow allow you to look at life differently. It doesn’t always take money to make major changes in your life but it does take you being willing to allow new energy to enter into your world.
Positive energy is critical for life to renew itself daily and not get into the rut of “poor me”. In the southwest corner of your home and your bedroom place something beautiful that reminds you of how special you really are in this world. This area of your home and your bedroom in Feng Shui is known as the relationship energy section. Not only will your relationship with others get a breath of fresh air through this process but you will energize your relationship with yourself. Remember, there is no other human exactly like you. Something beautiful can consist of a gorgeous bouquet of silk flowers in bright or soft earth tone colors, a picture of you at a very happy time in your life, a picture of you surrounded with lots of family members and/or friends or even a exquisite collection of something you really love. If you use the picture suggestion, be sure the frame is either an earth tone color or earthy looking.
Beginning today is as easy as opening all of your windows and allowing the fresh air to meander through your home or pulling the curtains wide open to let the sunshine in for a few hours. Go for a short or long walk and say “hi” to neighbors you have not seen for days. Take time to sit down and pet your dog or gently smooth the soft fur of your cat and listen to it purr. Call an old friend who could use a cheerful uplifting message and you will feel great because you will benefit from the positive energy you are sharing. If you love being in your kitchen bake a fresh batch of brownies for your spouse and share them with the little ones next door. We humans get so wrapped up in bad news and negative energy that we must constantly be on guard and find new uplifting ways to re-energize ourselves.
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© Pat Heydlauff, All Rights Reserved
Pat Heydlauff, president of Energy Design, uses Feng Shui design principles to eliminate chaos and stress at home and within oneself. More than a Feng Shui expert, Pat is a consultant and speaker who helps remove clutter and negativity while encouraging personal growth, improved relationships and prosperity. Her new book, “Feng Shui: So Easy a Child Can Do It,” shows how to achieve a better tomorrow. For information on her consulting, speaking and artwork, call: 561-408-2708.