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Detach, Evaluate and Change to Prosper


Life can become very stressful and anxiety-ridden when your career, marriage, relationships or income seem to be on hold, yet life and the world are moving forward at warp-speed.

How do you get past those endless times of nagging doubt that linger in the back of your mind? What do you do when things just aren’t going your way or you continually run into the same “brick wall?” Are these questions you ask yourself occasionally, or perhaps even regularly?

Do you turn around and go back, try something new or begin again? Do you meditate or pray about it — look inside for wisdom, inspiration and divine guidance? Perhaps you look outside to others for help, or maybe even give up? These are just some of the most common thoughts and feelings involved when you hit the proverbial “brick wall” or find yourself “between a rock and a hard place.”

This is not a time to become passive or give up. However it is one of those times when you need to take a hard look at what is causing you to be “stuck” and what you need to remove from your life so you can move forward and prosper.


When you are faced with a situation where nothing seems to be going your way, the only way to come to terms with what is happening in your life is to take a step back. That means you need to become emotionally detached and evaluate what is going on so you can see the things standing in your way or notice the things that are missing from your life. It is important to get an accurate picture of what areas in your life are on hold, stuck or where you’ve hit that “brick wall.”

You may not even realize that something is standing in your way, or that what you are facing has been blocking your progress for quite some time. For example, you may be seeking a long-term relationship but discover, as you look around your home, everything says “I’m single and like it that way.” Or you might be from the Boomer generation and are now dealing with the Millennial generation in the workplace but haven’t adjusted your thinking to work differently with them versus fellow Boomers.

The Feng Shui Solution

In the field of Feng Shui, these roadblocks or “brick walls” are called blocked energy. Something is standing in your way of achieving or receiving the things you are striving to reach. That something could be physical, such as clutter in your surroundings; or it could be mental, such as your thought process or the way you are relating to what is stuck. Detach from what you’ve been holding onto. Perhaps you have wanted to change your career path for the last two years but nothing seems to be coming your way. Maybe you’ve wanted to increase your cash flow or have better personal relationships but no matter what you try, nothing changes or improves. In fact, the more you dwell on it the worse it becomes as if it is a magnet drawing more of the negative instead of the positive.

Realizing you are stuck, or have just hit a brick wall, is the important first step in changing the blocked energy you are facing. Once you’ve determined what is stuck, it is easier to take action so you can move forward again and experience far less stress and more prosperity and peace.

Clear Negative Energy to Prosper

Evaluate your surroundings – are there areas filled with clutter? If you are blocked in the prosperity areas of income, your job, a career path or spiritual issues, check the southeast, northeast and north areas of your workspace, office or home. Clutter in those areas begets clutter not more income. Clutter stands in the way of clarity on how to move forward in your career and create success. Be merciless and get rid of the clutter. Don’t just move it – file it, put it away or get rid of it.

Energize prosperity areas — use a small wooden container to serve as your money pot for income generation and wealth creation. Place it in the southeast income area of your home or office filled with 7 one-dollar coins; in the northwest, which is the helpful people area, place a “success” verse or picture depicting success framed in silver. In the north, the career area, place a small waterfall, aquarium or picture of moving water. If you are stuck on a spiritual level, also place something in the career area that is purple.

If you are blocked in your relationships, your marriage, selling your house or an overall feeling of deteriorating abundance and well-being, de-clutter the southwest and east areas of your home, plus the outside area of your front door and entrance.

Energize the relationship area – in the southwest area of your living room and bedroom, place a bouquet of flowers in varying sizes, shapes and colors or use a collection such as a family of elephant statues; energize the east with live upward reaching plants or pictures of healthy trees; and energize the outside area of your front door and entrance with brightly colored plantings – this encourages lots of new energy to enter your home and your life which will help you shift whatever is stuck or standing in your way.

Energize your home workspace – additionally, check for clutter in the south area of your workspace or home. De-clutter it and energize good luck and good fortune with something red, like a candle or something that symbolizes fire.

If it feels like you’ve hit a brick wall or are just dealing with blocked energy, you will feel the same discouragement, disappointment and defeat. Recognizing that you have an issue to deal with is the first step in fixing the “stuck” feeling. Then de-clutter and energize the appropriate areas of your home or workplace.

The revitalized energy where the clutter previously resided, and the energy enhancements you’ve facilitated will eliminate the stagnant old energy and replace it with new vitalized growth energy. This will help you gain focus, reduce stress in your world and make things go your way more often.

© Pat Heydlauff, All Rights Reserved Pat Heydlauff, president of Energy Design, uses Feng Shui design principles to eliminate chaos and stress at home and within oneself. More than a Feng Shui expert, Pat is a consultant and speaker who helps remove clutter and negativity while encouraging personal growth, improved relationships and prosperity. Her new book, “Feng Shui: So Easy a Child Can Do It,” shows how to achieve a better tomorrow. For information on her consulting, speaking and artwork, call: 561-408-2708.


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