Stress comes wrapped in many shapes, sizes and packages during the Holiday season. People in our country celebrate as many as three or four holidays during this time of the year. And, each one comes with its own distinct set of stressors that can by far overshadow your potential for joy.
For some, the biggest stressor is just having too much to do in the time allotted. It becomes a balancing act of caring for a family and holding down a full time job while trying to shop, prepare extra meals, and make travel plans if needed. Also in the mix are decorating the home, wrapping, baking and tending to the needs of family members, friends, even a boss.
For others, the major stressor is financial. It is very easy to over spend, over consume and charge-it. With the thousands of electronic toys, tools and gadgets that are available today there is a tendency to get everyone the very latest thing. Unfortunately, many of these items are much more expensive than the average budget can handle.
And, for some, fear and anxiety sets in just thinking about whether they will be totally alone during the holidays. The thought of being forgotten, alone, unloved and unwanted is a major stressor for the elderly – and not so elderly – living far from family and friends or are unable to travel.
Feng Shui is all about creating balance in your life so you can live a healthy, prosperous and abundant life filled with peace and joy. Use some of the following stress relieving suggestions to help create balance and find more peace and joy in this hectic time of the year.
Plan Ahead – The best way to limit or control stress is to plan ahead. If the holidays are a really big stress issue for you, in the future, plan months ahead not just days and weeks. You only need two simple tools to plan ahead, a pad of paper and a pen or pencil.
Your best anti-stress defense is to make “to do” and “to buy” lists. Get into the habit of writing everything you need to accomplish including exactly what you will be purchasing for gifts – and then stick to your lists. By creating your plan and getting it on paper you will unclutter your thinking, save time and money.
Prioritize Your Time. Put off until after the holiday season anything that should be done but does not have a time deadline that must be met before early January. Alter your daily schedule by removing those things that take time but are not essential over the next three weeks. Your lists will help you prioritize your time by doing those things on your list first. And, you will reduce stress by maintaining balance by honoring yourself.
Prioritize Your Spending. The holidays are often a time of over-committing, over-eating and over-spending. This is not a time to be swayed by luring department and electronic store ads or purchase fad items. Nor is this a time to over-use credit cards. Impulse purchasing will not make your gift more appreciated by the recipient and will provide more stress next month when credit card bills come rolling in. You’ll give yourself the gift of self-control.
Take Time for Others. Plan some time to visit with older relatives, neighbors and friends. Stop by a senior care center or visit a shut-in. Take some fresh cookies or a small gift to someone who is not on your gift list but has done really special things for you or gone out of their way to make your life better. You will not only be showing kindness to others but receive great joy.
Take Action. If your greatest fear is that of being alone on the holidays, invite people to join you on the day(s) that are most difficult for you – even if your budget only allows for peanut and jelly sandwiches. Go to a soup kitchen and help serve a meal to those less fortunate. Do something social with friends or go to a movie. Participate in church, synagogue or community activities. Create an event in your apartment building like a potluck dinner where everyone can participate with little or no investment. By planning ahead or providing for others you will not be alone plus will experience the joy of sharing.
Great Feng Shui energy is created by finding balance through reducing stress. Once you have reduced the stress levels during the holidays and created a plan, abundance and joy will the gift you give yourself.
Download “Feng Shui Holiday Tips to Reduce Stress and Increase Joy” in PDF Format.
© Pat Heydlauff, All Rights Reserved
Pat Heydlauff, president of Energy Design, uses Feng Shui design principles to eliminate chaos and stress at home and within oneself. More than a Feng Shui expert, Pat is a consultant and speaker who helps remove clutter and negativity while encouraging personal growth, improved relationships and prosperity. Her new book, “Feng Shui: So Easy a Child Can Do It,” shows how to achieve a better tomorrow. For information on her consulting, speaking and artwork, call: 561-408-2708.