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How to Improve Meditation with Feng Shui


Feng Shui is about so much more than the placement of things, decluttering and organizing. It is about being in control of your external and internal environments so you can create prosperity, well-being, peace and harmony. It is about living a lifestyle using positive energy in your surroundings and internal thinking to create a better tomorrow.

Often questions are raised about whether Feng Shui and meditation are connected or whether there are benefits to using both. While they are not directly connected they complement each other nicely.

According to an article posted in NeuroImage, Volume 45, Issue 3, 15 April 2009, research shows evidence for meditation-induced improvements in psychological and physiological well-being. The study showed that meditators were able to cultivate positive emotions, retain emotional stability, and engage in conscious behavior. Similar studies have indicated that meditation relieves stress, improves focus, boosts your health and happiness, and puts you in control.

Feng Shui and Meditation make a good team

As the research on meditation grows, it is becoming very obvious that meditation does for the mind what Feng Shui does for one’s surroundings. It helps you clear out the cobwebs, remove the mental clutter that has collected often since childhood, and deletes that constant “I can’t” and “Nothing good ever happens to me” negative message loop.

For the purpose of this article, I am going to assume you have already used Feng Shui principles to remove the negative things, thoughts, sounds and people from your personal environment – and then enhanced it with positive things to support and uplift you such as plants, pets, colors on the walls and pictures of encouragement. If not, please visit my article library on my website under the About icon.

Use Feng Shui to create Meditation space

By using the principles of Feng Shui to create a sanctuary area or a personal space conducive for meditation, the result will be a peace-filled calming area that will be ready for you to drop into deep meditation.

Dedicate an area for meditation. The place to begin is to create a space dedicated specifically for meditation. Find a corner in a bedroom or a quiet spot on a lanai or patio where you can be comfortable and not be disturbed. If possible make sure you sit (on a chair or yoga style on the floor) facing the entrance to your room or space. If you cannot face the entrance, strategically place a small mirror so you so you can always have a commanding view of the entrance. Now you have created a relaxing calm mental space to begin or to improve your existing meditation practice.

Declutter your sanctuary space. You now have physically defined a meditation space. The next step is to declutter it and energetically clear the space so you can set your intentions. As in traditional Feng Shui practice, you need to clear anything out of this area that is distracting or any items that will interfere with your intent to regularly meditate. All that you should have in this area is an empty space on the floor perhaps with a pillow for sitting on or a comfortable chair and a small side table. Anything else will distract you and should be properly stored or eliminated. You will also want to clear this area energetically. Purchase a small spray bottle of rose water and abundantly spritzer the area to clear out any negative energy. Proceed to spray the entire room if the space is part of a larger area.

Energize your meditation area. Now you are ready to set your intentions and enhance this area with things that may enrich your meditative experience. On your side table you can place a candle in a safe container and light it while meditating. You can also play meditative type music or a meditation guided CD to help you, especially if you are just beginning. You can also use fragrance oils, burn incense or hang a multi-faceted crystal overhead. And, one last thing, make sure there is a notebook and pen available for jotting down ideas and thoughts once you are done with your meditation. As you clear the clutter from your mind, expect to see an increase in your power of focus and creativity, and reap the benefits of your new flow of thoughts.

Just in case you are wondering, there is no right or wrong way to meditate and there is no specific length of time you should meditate. Perhaps the only rule is to do it regularly to obtain the benefits you seek.

When you combine Feng Shui principles and the practice of meditation, you have a winning formula for creating a more peace-filled, prosperous successful life.

© Pat Heydlauff, All Rights Reserved Pat Heydlauff, president of Energy Design, uses Feng Shui design principles to eliminate chaos and stress at home and within oneself. More than a Feng Shui expert, Pat is a consultant and speaker who helps remove clutter and negativity while encouraging personal growth, improved relationships and prosperity. Her new book, “Feng Shui: So Easy a Child Can Do It,” shows how to achieve a better tomorrow. For information on her consulting, speaking and artwork, call: 561-408-2708.


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