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Improve creativity and self expression


Whether you are trying to create a peace filled home for you and your family or become the next Monet or Tom Clancy, you need to surround yourself with a great deal of positive creative energy. Self expression requires plenty of desire, focus and supportive energy. Self expression is truly the greatest outlet each of us has for releasing the tensions of the day, the stress of the world around us plus nurtures your heart and soul.

We live in a microwave society today that demands everything from instant popcorn to a magic pill that will fix anything. You cannot watch even one hour of television or read one newspaper without being bombarded to buy dozens of “something” that will surely make you happy, fix your every ailment, make you look great or take you anywhere in style, all it takes is money. But none of those quick fixes ever energize your mind or nurture your heart and soul. Fast food, noise pollution and a lifestyle of “I want it yesterday” leaves little room for you to find time to express your creativity.

There is some form of creativity lying dormant within each of you whether young or old. Not only is it dormant within but it is waiting very patiently for just the right moment to escape and pounce right smack in your face in the form of music, art, the written word or perhaps the garden in your back yard. It is the expression of self that tells you where to shop, what clothes to buy and what restaurants you frequent. Self expression is your true identity. Once you have found it you will be amazed at how good you feel about yourself.

Before one more moment passes, take time out of your busy schedule and give some serious thought to “what would you really like to accomplish in this lifetime”. There are just a few simple steps to follow and before you know it you will find your creative juices are flowing and your world will be more peaceful within.

Start by making a list of “all” of the creative things you would like to do. It doesn’t matter whether it is working in your garage building your favorite granddaughter a doll house including all the furnishings or quilting the beautiful bedspread you started years ago. Creativity has as many shapes, forms and descriptions as there are people. Some people find creativity at the end of a paint brush on canvas, others with pen in hand and a journal and yet others at the end of their finger tips on a piano keyboard. Once you have your list go back through it and remove any of those that fit the category of “maybe I’ll get to it someday”. Then number in order of importance those items still on your list. Of the top five items choose one and obtain all of the supplies you need.

At the same time you are obtaining your supplies prepare your home to provide you supportive energy by doing the following after you remove any clutter in these areas:

  1. in the east area of your living or family room (where ever you spend most of your time) place a very artistically shaped green plant (it can be live or silk) to encourage the energy of giving birth to something new in your life, and

  2. in the west side of the same room energize the creativity area by placing a unique piece of art in predominantly gold colors that brings a smile to your face every time you look at it (it can be made out of metal or ceramic and should be a fun piece).

Once you have made your list, obtained any supplies you need and energized your surroundings, you are ready for an experience of a lifetime. You will feel like a kid who just road his or her bike for the first time or when you flew your first kite or whistled. Creativity only needs your time and commitment; the rest will take care of itself. You will feel refreshed and enjoy a new found activity for years to come.


© Pat Heydlauff, All Rights Reserved

Pat Heydlauff, president of Energy Design, uses Feng Shui design principles to eliminate chaos and stress at home and within oneself. More than a Feng Shui expert, Pat is a consultant and speaker who helps remove clutter and negativity while encouraging personal growth, improved relationships and prosperity. Her new book, “Feng Shui: So Easy a Child Can Do It,” shows how to achieve a better tomorrow. For information on her consulting, speaking and artwork,  call: 561-408-2708.


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