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Natural Disaster Unsettling for many


When you have a major natural disaster occur like hurricane Katrina leaving massive destruction and chaos behind in such a wide spread area, it is not only devastating for the people directly hurt by it but very disconcerting for most people everywhere. In this case we can in real time see and feel the pain and utter hopelessness of those directly involved. At the same time we realize that the rest of us have been spared. It could have been us whether we live in hurricane, earthquake and tsunami territory, flood zones, tornado alley or the winter blizzard zone. As you look at your neighbors and friends you can see this disquieting look in their eyes. The obvious destruction pales in comparison to the enormity of the loss.

Even though millions are reaching out to help those living through the loss of loved ones, no homes to return to, no income and massive destruction, it is important to nurture self at the same time so you are in a position to help others. Tragedy of fellow humans zaps the energy out of all people, especially those that live in areas where a natural disaster is always eminent on the horizon. So just what can you do to nurture self while maintaining respect for those in such great need?

There are actually a number of things you can do to lift up your energy while you are in the process of doing what you can to help others in such great need. The first thing you can do is limit the amounts of time you sit in front of the television watching such a tragedy unfold, no matter what your feelings are about the tragedy. It is absolutely appropriate to view the news so you obtain the information needed for you to have a comfort level about what is happening in the disaster area, in your surroundings and in the world. But too much viewing of such great loss imbeds that negative energy information in your mind. You need to balance all of that negative energy with some positive viewing. Find some light programming that will bring a smile to your face or make you laugh a little to help re-energize self. Listening to soothing music before bedtime also is helpful.

Next, do something kind for someone you know that is in need. Perhaps a friend just had surgery and would like a newspaper, your son and daughter-in-law need someone to baby sit their newborn so they can in some way help others or one of your family members could use a few words of encouragement and someone to say “you are doing a great job under the most difficult of circumstances”. Even though you may give money or donate food and clothing to those suffering from Katrina, you may not be able to travel to where the natural disaster occurred to help in person. By helping someone nearby, you will be giving them positive energy and hope. At the same time you will be refueling yourself so you can move forward in your life with your own hope regenerated. If the strong among us during such times is not filled with hope, those in need will have no one to turn to in order to help restore their hope. Without hope, life has no future.

The third step you can take is to mentally make a list of all of the things for which you are grateful. You can even do this on a tablet if it is hard for you to remember everything you wish to put on the list by doing it mentally. One of the greatest positive energy builders in your life during a crisis perceived or real, is to recognize the numerous “good things” in your life. It can be little things like being grateful for your pets, a good neighbor or a friend to huge things like freedom, your children, a good income, a roof over your head and good health. The more things you can put on this list, the more you will replenish your energy that is being depleted when such a catastrophe occurs. This should be a perpetual list that you add to regularly and look at often.

As unsettling as it may seem, a major natural disaster often brings the best out of the vast majority of our citizens. It is up to those of us on the periphery of such catastrophic disasters to maintain hope so we can share it with those in such great need. Remember to limit your viewing time of so much negative energy, do something kind for someone in need and create your “gratitude list”. Hope is positive energy. It rapidly becomes contagious when shared with others, especially those in need.


© Pat Heydlauff, All Rights Reserved

Pat Heydlauff, president of Energy Design, uses Feng Shui design principles to eliminate chaos and stress at home and within oneself. More than a Feng Shui expert, Pat is a consultant and speaker who helps remove clutter and negativity while encouraging personal growth, improved relationships and prosperity. Her new book, “Feng Shui: So Easy a Child Can Do It,” shows how to achieve a better tomorrow. For information on her consulting, speaking and artwork,  call: 561-408-2708.


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