Spring is a magical and transformative time of the year. It is the perfect time to take a good look at your surroundings and get rid of anything that does not provide you with vital fresh energy. This is the time of the year that provides fuel to flame the successes and joys of your future. Whether you are still digging your way out of a snowbank or waiting for the azaleas to bloom, now is when you should prepare your welcome because spring is on the horizon, ready to burst forth in all its glorious colors of life, freshness and creation.
Remove Energy Drainers to Increase Abundance
Don’t procrastinate – do it now! This is the time to get rid of the clutter in your bedroom and under the bed so you can sleep peacefully and wake up more rested. Remove those stacks of papers from your office desk top and files that are no longer relevant or more than ten years old. And, just how many pictures of glorious beautifully snow clad trees or sunsets do you need? What would provide you with better energy is one great picture of beautiful freshly fallen snow or a sunrise, which symbolizes the beginning of a day, the dawning of something new, which is similar to the uplifting energy of spring.
Allow springtime to empower you. Let the season do its magic by letting in the sunshine of the longer, warmer days. It will encourage you to get motivated and get rid of all of that stuff creating stagnant energy in your surroundings and preventing you from creating the tomorrow you want. You will feel so much better about yourself and feel refreshed, too. Removing all of that collected stagnant stuff from your life will be uplifting and provide you with a glow that will take you right into the wonderful days of summer ahead. The more old stagnant energy drainers you remove from your life, the more room you make for new friends, relationships, income and abundance. Much like the refrigerator, you have to get rid of the old before you can “grocery shop” and add the new.
Are Energy Drainers Preventing Abundance?
Are energy drainers standing in your way? Depending on where you keep your stacks of energy draining stuff, you may be preventing good health, the growth of wealth or new joy-filled relationship energy from entering your life. You can also become confused, lethargic and unmotivated. Is that what you really want for your life and that of your family members living with you?
Is your wealth area – the east and southeast areas of your home and living room – filled with clutter and stuff? Are you still wondering why your income hasn’t increased within the last two to five years; or why you seem to have less money to spend; or why it seems to just slip right through your fingers? Is the relationship area of your office – the southwest – is filled with energy drainers? Now you know why you cannot seem to get new clients or you have fewer and fewer business associates who refer new business. Or, is the relationship area of your bedroom – the southwest – cluttered and stuffed with items that prevent personal relationships to enter your life or grow into something more? Check it out and get rid of what is standing in your way.
Even if you are still digging out of the winter doldrums now is the time to think spring. Spring is a wonderfully glorious time of the year when nature gives new meaning to life and everything bursts forth into the rebirthing process of buds turning into leaves and flowers, brown grass becoming green and the air smelling renewed and fresh. It is truly the dawn of a new era, a new planting season, a new growth season and a new lease on life – often called the future.
Part of the process means getting rid of all the things that have accumulated during the winter or over many years. If you are like many, stuff does not accumulate over just one winter or one year but over years of collecting, storing and shopping. If you have stacks of stuff you keep adding to every year while promising yourself that this time you will take them to your favorite charity but never do, they have become stacks of stagnant energy.
The best way to get rid of your stuff is to decide that now is the time and then take action. Do not procrastinate for even one moment. Once you’ve decided that you are going to get rid of something, get up from your favorite chair and do it. Throw away what is of no value, put away what you will keep and get rid of the rest. It really is not that hard. You just need to do it. This is how you capitalize on springtime’s wonderful energy to fuel the future you want.
© Pat Heydlauff, All Rights Reserved
Pat Heydlauff, president of Energy Design, uses Feng Shui design principles to eliminate chaos and stress at home and within oneself. More than a Feng Shui expert, Pat is a consultant and speaker who helps remove clutter and negativity while encouraging personal growth, improved relationships and prosperity. Her new book, “Feng Shui: So Easy a Child Can Do It,” shows how to achieve a better tomorrow. For information on her consulting, speaking and artwork, call: 561-408-2708.