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Use Feng Shui to Achieve Goals

Feng Shui principles are a powerful way to achieve the accomplishment of your goals. Its energizing principles influence the outcome of the creativity and visual impact of another powerful tool, the Vision Board.

A Vision Board, whether it is a bulletin board with push pins or an elaborate graphic created on your computer, uses images and words to define and reach your intended goals and objectives. When you apply the principles of Feng Shui to the board’s images and words, the influence of the positive energy dramatically increases your success quotient.

Creating Effective Vision Boards

First – Create a Vision Board. It can be fun, easy, inspiring and inexpensive. The material is not important, what is important is that you take action and create one. Use your imagination – some of the things you can use are:

  1. cork board covered with a lush fabric and framed (the color of the fabric will be discussed below)

  2. a bulletin board of appropriate size for wall placement or

  3. a computer or tablet.

Choosing to create one is a powerful first step to visually and verbally expressing and achieving your goals. By creating your Vision Board, you have already produced a new energy path into your life that will inspire, encourage and empower you.

Second – choose your goals. It is time to energize your intentions, resolutions and goals by creating visual images of them. Be very specific with your images.

  1. If you want a new home, make sure the image is of the home of your dreams not just any house.

  2. If you want a job, be specific about the type of job, the location and the income. You can use both a location and a dollar amount to represent this.

  3. If you are looking for a potential spouse or significant other, in your image select carefully and then list the characteristics you want or will not accept. For example, if you are looking for a long-term companion but do not want one who smokes, be sure to put that in your description. Your description should also include someone who is single and available.

  4. If you would like to be more spiritually connected use the picture of a spiritual book or the Bible or a guru on a mountain top.

  5. If you’d like to lose weight or improve your fitness, you can use a number to represent the new clothing size you aspire to be and a picture of someone whose physique you admire.

Think carefully of exactly what to use that best depicts your goals. For a Feng Shui Vision Board create one or more visual images for the following eight life areas:

  1. career

  2. knowledge

  3. health/growth

  4. wealth

  5. good fortune

  6. relationships

  7. creativity/gold and

  8. helpful people/travel

Unleash Feng Shui energy to influence the outcome

It is not difficult to use your Vision Board but it is important to set up the images and words properly for maximum Feng Shui positive energy to influence the outcome. To start your placement of goal images start at the top center and work clockwise – see the diagram below for placement categories.

Properly place your choice of symbol or image in each category you are trying to energize as noted in the diagram. You do not have to place something in each category if you are not working on a specific goal in that area. It is critical, however, to have the images flow in the appropriate order around your Vision Board. The layout is what provides the Feng Shui flow of energy to maximize or influence your success. If you are going to use fabric or color in the background of your Vision Board, use the color you are wishing to emphasize the most – red for luck, green for wealth etc.

Next, add words to those categories. For example “abundance” could be added to the career area, “marriage” to the relationship area and “Paris” to the travel area if these are your goals.

Goals are just goals until you energize them and act upon them. Create your Vision Board today and start with all eight or the most important things you’d like to achieve. Your Vision Board creates your roadmap to the future you desire.

© Pat Heydlauff, All Rights Reserved

Pat Heydlauff, president of Energy Design, uses Feng Shui design principles to eliminate chaos and stress at home and within oneself. More than a Feng Shui expert, Pat is a consultant and speaker who helps remove clutter and negativity while encouraging personal growth, improved relationships and prosperity. Her new book, “Feng Shui: So Easy a Child Can Do It,” shows how to achieve a better tomorrow. For information on her consulting, speaking and artwork, call: 561-408-2708.

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