We offer Zoom and In-Person Consultations. Before booking, please read the additional sections below which include full consultation instructions, information about travel expenses for in-person consultations, and scheduling information.
For questions, please call (772) 205-2285 or email energydesign@patheydlauff.com.
We look forward to working with you
Personal Consultation - 90 Minutes
$220 for 90 Minutes
After booking your appointment, please email the following to energydesign@patheydlauff.com:
- A detailed floor plan of your home including doors, windows, appliances, bathrooms and the locations of the bed in each bedroom
- The compass direction your home faces. When standing inside your front door looking out what direction are you facing?
- A list of three to five life issues you are working on such as relationships, income, your health or the health of others in the home, etc.
- Best phone number to reach you
After your booking is complete and your email has been received, we will contact you to schedule your Zoom Consultation as well as to provide the link for your consultation.
$220 for 90 Minutes + Travel Expenses
After booking your appointment, please email the following to energydesign@patheydlauff.com:
- A detailed floor plan of your home including doors, windows, appliances, bathrooms and the locations of the bed in each bedroom
- The compass direction your home faces. When standing inside your front door looking out what direction are you facing?
- A list of three to five life issues you are working on such as relationships, income, your health or the health of others in the home, etc.
- Best phone number to reach you
After your booking is complete and your email has been received, we will contact you with a travel expense invoice and to schedule!